„Kannerae liichten OFFLINE méi hell“


The English versions of this text can be found below!
„Kannerae liichten OFFLINE méi hell“ eng Campagne vun der CNAPA (Centre National de Prévention des Addictions).
Dës soll Eltere vu Kanner am Alter vun 0-5 Joer dobäi ënnerstëtzen hire Mediengebrauch un d’Entwécklung vun hire Kanner unzepassen. Dofir wäert et reegelméisseg Tipps, Tricks an Informatiounen zu dësem Thema ginn – besicht also gären hiren Internetsite dee si reegelméisseg update wäerten.
Falls dir awer lo scho Froen oder Ureegungen zu dësem Thema hutt – dann zéckt net fir si unzeschreiwen : medien@cnapa.lu
Fir lasszeleeën proposéiere mir Iech hei een „Digital Detox Kalenner“ mat Kids-Aktivitéiten, Detox- an Kreativtipps, deen dir zu all Moment starte kënnt. Dir kënnt Iech en eroflueden (Link) oder bei eis zu Izeg ofhuelen.
Mir wënschen Iech vill Spaass a vill Erfolleg bei der Ëmsetzung.

‘Children’s eyes shine brightest offline’, a campaign from the CNAPA (Centre National de Prévention des Addictions).
This campaign is designed to help parents of children aged 0 to 5 years adapt their media use to their children’s development. To this end, there will regularly be tips, tricks, and information published on this topic – please also visit their website, which will be updated frequently.
If you have any questions or suggestions on the subject, please write to them at medien@cnapa.lu.
To get you started, we are offering a digital detox calendar with activities, detox tips, and creative ideas that you can start at any moment. You can download it here, or take a printout in Itzig.
We hope you enjoy it and find success in implementing it.
mat der Ënnerstëtzung vu / with the support of / avec le soutien de: