(English text below)
Note: Nous ne pouvons momentanément pas proposer de cours de préparation à l’accouchement en anglais ou en français.
Pourquoi faire un cours de préparation à l’accouchement ?
L‘accouchement est quelque chose de naturel, quelque chose qui est ancrée dans notre patrimoine génétique. Nous appartenons au groupe des mammifères qui, eux, mettent au monde leur progéniture de manière instinctive.
Malheureusement, l’être humain ne fonctionne pas tout à fait de la même façon, c’est-à-dire aussi naturelle et instinctive. Les processus physiologiques de la naissance sont inscrits dans notre cerveau primitif. Celui-ci est responsable de la connaissance instinctive sur « le fonctionnement » de l’accouchement.
Cependant, il y a un antagonisme : la partie la plus récente de notre cerveau – celle qui est attentive et qui active la production de l’adrénaline, freine le déroulement naturel des différentes phases de l’accouchement. Pendant le cours de préparation à l’accouchement, il s’agit de prendre conscience de ce fait très important, de renforcer la confiance en son propre corps et de développer la capacité du « laisser-aller » et de l’«ouverture».
Les futurs parents reçoivent entre autres des informations autour de la naissance et vont pouvoir échanger avec d’autres futurs parents. Ils vont également apprendre des techniques de massages, des exercices de respiration et de relaxation.
Notice: We are temporarily unable to offer birth preparation courses in English or French.
Why to do a birth preparation course?
Childbirth is something natural, something that is rooted in our genetic heritage. Technically, we belong to the group of the mammals who supposedly give birth just “like that”.
Unfortunately, human beings do not function quite as naturally and instinctively anymore.
The physiological processes of birth are inscribed in the primitive part of our brain which is responsible for the instinctive knowledge of « the functioning » of childbirth.
However, there is an antagonist – the most recent part of our brain – the one that is attentive and activates the production of adrenaline, which slows down the natural process of the different phases of childbirth.
During the childbirth preparation course our aim is to become aware of this important fact, to strengthen the confidence in one’s own body and to develop the capacity of “letting go” and “opening up”.
The future parents receive, among other things, information about the birth and they will be able to exchange with other future parents. The course will also include massage techniques, breathing and relaxation exercises.
In addition to information about the birth process, future parents will be able to exchange with other prospective parents as well as learn massage techniques, breathing and relaxation exercises, among other things.
The intensive course
Unlike the other courses, the « fast » course takes place on a single Saturday (or in 2 meetings if the course is online) and covers only the birth, from the start of delivery until the first day after the birth.
The “fast” course is designed for couples who cannot spare themselves for a full childbirth preparation course, for couples who cannot take the time for a full childbirth preparation.
In this course, couples are informed about the different stages of childbirth using different models and documents.
The course is based on scientific information that allows parents to decide for themselves what is important for the birth of their baby, independently of common hospital procedures. During the course, all phases of birth, with their respective physiological course, as well as the possible influencing factors will be discussed. The appropriate aids and relaxation methods are then shown. Couples will be able to experiment with breathing during contractions, massages, relaxation methods and different positions that give relieve during labor and birth.
Participants will also get information on gentle pushing, birthing positions and water birth. Some explanations on possible medical interventions during childbirth and caesarean section will be given during this course.
The course includes a brief excursion towards the first hours, days and weeks with the baby as well as a basic understanding of breastfeeding.
The number of participants is limited, to facilitate discussions on the various subjects between future parents.
Good to know
It is possible for the mother-to-be to come to the course alone or accompanied by another person, e.g. her partner, a friend, her sister or her mother. It is also possible for the future father to participate in the course alone when his partner cannot attend.
Please bring a picnic and drinks for lunch. To feel comfortable during the lesson, choose appropriate clothes and don’t forget to bring warm socks.
An optional meeting of the participants of the course will be offered to you 2-3 month after your foreseen birthdate. Young parents get together with their babies to talk about their respective childbirth experiences.